Women’s Slim Disc
You have the power to change your life. Get in shape. Start feeling better today. Take the first step towards changing your life and transforming your body in a healthy balanced way. The holographic Slim disc aids in fat loss by working with the whole body, combining cutting edge holographic technology and activation of your acupuncture meridians.
- Decrease Appetite
- Increase Energy
- Balance Metabolism
- No Laxatives, Additives, or Diet Pills
The Slim holographic disc works within minutes to increase your energy, balance your metabolism, and decrease your appetite. Use them as part of your routine for healthy living – combine with diet and exercise for optimum results.
The holographic Slim disc work non-invasively by stimulating specific bodies acupuncture meridians creating an important component in the weight loss process. You have the power to change your life. Get in shape. Start feeling better today.
Take the first step towards changing your life and transforming your body in a healthy balanced way.
The holographic slim disc aids in fat loss by working with the whole body, combining cutting edge holographic technology and activation of your acupuncture meridians.
Our revolutionary holographic disc marries Traditional Chinese Medicine of Acupuncture with a state-of-the-art holographic elivery system.
How does a Slim disc factor into a decrease in appetite, an increase in energy, and a balanced metabolism?
Successful weight loss includes adjustments to eating patterns which include healthy low-calorie, low-fat, and low-cholesterol food choices. Slim can help by decreasing your appetite. Good nutrition and hydration are a daily lifestyle
choice and factor into your overall feeling of health and vitality. Adopting and maintaining a regular exercise plan is also part of a healthy lifestyle. Slim can help you with your exercise routine by increasing your energy, stamina, and
endurance. Peel and stick a Slim disc on the recommended acupuncture points (click here for details) for good movement of energy, decrease in appetite, and a balanced metabolism.
What can I expect to feel?
When first placing any of the holographic discs on a recommended acupuncture point, make sure you are in a quiet place. Think about your body and how you feel before and after placing the Slim disc. Many report that they feel a sense of
balance and clear thinking.
Those who wear the Slim disc report a decrease in appetite. Some have noted that their stomach will stop growling when they use the holographic disc. Most report a speeding up of energy flow in the body. Some report the initial sensation of labored breathing. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine this is the result of more energy flowing into the lungs which carries more air and energy to the heart to mix with the blood.
With the Slim disc, gone are the days of using drugs, herbs, and chemicals to decrease appetite and increase energy.
How long should I wear the Slim disc?
You may wear the Slim disc all day, however it is recommended that you remove it before bedtime. The disc can be placed in the heel of each shoe for ease of use.
When first wearing the Slim disc please note if you have a ‘detox’ effect. This may result in frequent urination which may have an odor. Body odor, metallic taste in your mouth, mild headaches, and nausea may also occur as part of the
detoxification processes.
Is hydration important?
Hydration is essential for cellular communication. Take your body weight in pounds, divide by two, and drink that number of ounces of pure water daily for optimum effectiveness.
Hydration can help ease symptoms. Hydration is essential for cellular communication. Take your body weight in pounds divide by two and drink that number of ounces of pure water daily for optimum effectiveness.
If you feel you are detoxing take the disc off and use sparingly over the first few days giving your body a chance to adjust.
DO NOT exceed two discs at the time. A few people may want to wear two disc a day, however we caution you not wear more than two Slim discs at a time.
How long do they last?
For maximum effectiveness we recommend that you replace your Slim disc when curls up or worn The program lasts indefinitely. We also recommend that you wear for six days in a row and then take the 7th day off.
How can I be sure it is working?
Go to the Science section of this web site to read more.
How do they stay on?
Peel and stick backing on the Slim vdisc makes placement on the acupuncture meridians easy. Place on clean/dry/oil free skin. Holograms will not adhere to lotions.
We stand behind the quality of each of our products with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If any of our products should fail to satisfy you, simply return to us within 30 days of purchase and we will gladly refund 100% of your product price. Please speak to your Quantum Lifestyle Products Associate for details.
Each pack comes with 2 months’ supply, two strips of 7 discs. Each disc if applied with tape or band aide will last indefinitely. Once the disc starts to curl, it is time to replace.
Check out more Discs Frequently Asked Questions
How to Use

Option 1 to Left
CV-6 – This acupuncture point is known for building Energy. Located 2 finger widths below the belly button.
ST-36 – This acupuncture point communicates through the stomach meridian to decrease appetite, speed metabolism and optimize energy. Located on each leg 4 finger widths below the knee cap and one finger width to the outside of the shin bone
Option 2 to Right from Top to Bottom
1. Speed Metabolism. Auricular point known to release metabolism-revving thyroid hormone and FGF15, a hormone that helps optimize fat digestion. Located behind right ear at the top.
2. Eliminate Cravings. This point empowers you to have self control known to release Leptin a hormone that calms cravings and helps speed your metabolism. Located behind right ear in center.
3. Increase Satisfaction. This point is known to trigger the release of cholecystokinin, a hormone that stimulates a feeling of fullness. Located behind right ear at bottom.
Back to Overview
Read all about the science behind holographic discs in our SCIENCE section.
Back to Overview
Use of caffeine and other stimulants can delay effectiveness of the Holographic Disc. If you have been taking drugs or chemicals you will likely experience a detoxification effect (increase urination and/or body odor). Increase your intake of non-fluoride –mV water.
These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. For external use only. Do not ingest. Remove immediately if you feel discomfort or skin rash occurs and increase intake of non-fluoride, -mV water.
These guidelines are solely for educational and informational purposes. The information is no way intended to be medical advice. Please consult a medical or health professional before you begin this or any health program, if you have any questions or concerns about your health. Mbdisc are not intended to be used in the cure, treatment or prevention of disease in man or animals. Individual results will vary.