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Scalar Infusion

Scalar Wave PendantsHealth benefits in consuming scalar wave embedded products.

Why is this so significant and important?

Because bio-scalar energy is a unique form of energy that can be harnessed and embed into solid objects placed in its field, therefore, when embedded in nutritional supplements, scalar waves will make the supplements more absorbable, bio-available, and raise the energy level in your cells.

The higher the level of energy in your cells, the greater your cells ability to absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins and waste.

High cellular energy greatly enhances the performance and effectiveness of your immune system and your body’s ability to heal itself.

All life is energy, with your cell’s energy being measured in millivolts. The healthiest cells have a charge of 70 to 90 millivolts. Degenerative diseases begin developing when millivolts are below that level. As an example, cancer cells measure 15 to 20 millivolts.

We at Miracle Balance are pleased that we can bring you a way of neutralizing the damaging effects of these detrimental man-made waves by embedding scalar waves into our holographic discs, wristbands, liquids and infuse into most materials.

Scalar waves are cumulative and will build in your body. The more you use, the greater the enhancing of your immune system and your body’s ability to neutralize the man-make waves that surround you.

Scalar waves are cumulative.

The more embedded disc you use, the greater the accumulation of scalar waves in your cells and the sooner the energy level of your cells raise to the ideal 70 to 90 millivolt level.

Embedded Scalar waves do not lose their strength as they regenerate themselves. Test have shown that embedded scalar waves, in holographic discs, had increased in strength after sitting for six months.

Technically: Scalar waves are non linier and will neutralize all man-made 50 – 60 cycle waves in your body from cell phones, computers, micro-waves, etc.

Clearly scalar wave fields have always existed. They are well known in astrophysics, geology, and hydrodynamics. A scalar wave field is known as a fifth-dimensional non-linear field. Third dimensional laws of nature do not bind it. Scalar wave fields exist out of relative time and space, thus they do not decay over time or distance from their source.

Because of this, scalar wave fields function in a self-referral and self-generating manner. They are unbounded and capable of passing through solid matter.

Scalar wave enhanced products work faster and better than similar products that have not been enhanced with scalar waves.

Before and After


Another Before and After


Lentils Before


Lentil After

Key Benefits of Scalar Wave Technology

  • Eliminate and nullify the effects of man-made frequencies (60 cycle) in the human body.
  • Increase overall body energy levels as a result of increasing cellular energy for trillions of cells.
  • Cleanse the blood improving chylomicron levels (protein/fat particles floating in the blood) and triglyceride profiles and fibrin patterns.
  • Increase the energy level of every single cell in the body to the ideal 70-90 millivolt range.
  • Improve immune function by as much as 149% as proven in laboratory studies.
  • Increase the energy covalent level of every single hydrogen atom in the body as verified by spectrographs. This is significant because covalent hydrogen bonds are what hold your DNA together. In other words, consuming scalar enhanced products can protect your DNA from damage.
  • Improve mental focus as demonstrated by increased amplitude of EEG frequencies.
  • Improve cell wall permeability thus facilitating the intake of nutrients into each and every cell and the elimination of waste from each and every cell. (As a result of the high trans membrane potential mentioned above, scalar enhanced products effectively cause every single cell in your body to detox).
  • Balance out the two hemispheres of the brain, again as measured by EEG tests.
  • Decrease the surface tension of the embedded products, thereby significantly reducing the time required for your body to assimilate those same products.


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